But some “special wages” are too high, sex industry especially. In Taiwan, high class sex workers have a nickname, “Public Relationship.” Grab any mainstream newspaper in Taiwan and check the ads, “Public Relationship Recruiting” is always there:
20 years ago, “Public Relationship” offered 100,000~120,000NTD a month.
20 years later, “Public Relationship” offers 7,000~12,000NTD a day.
I never understand why newspapers in Taiwan accept all kinds of sex work recruiting ads openly for more than 20 years. Dutch sex workers must offer reports and pay taxes, but most Taiwan sex workers earn a lot and never pay any tax. “Public Relationship” in Taiwan never offers any work-related report to the government.
Do Taiwanese people love their young generation? No, they don’t. They offer high pay to seduce young men and young women into sex industry, but extremely low pay in other normal jobs. “Who cares about moral or legal consequences? I just want to survive!” young people shouted in their mind, in their heart.
Wages are strong social incentives, money can lead people around. Whenever I check the newspaper ads, I sigh, “People in Taiwan pay fat money for prostitution and expensive wine, but refuse to offer fair pay in other legal, normal, good jobs. People here value animal-like breeding behavior much more than civilization or spirituality. They shouldn’t have kids at all if they only offer high pay in sex industry or drug trafficking. They love sex and drug much more than young generation’s bright future.”