2012年6月20日 星期三

What You Want Is Not Want I Want

People have told me a lot of love or family problems since my early childhood. I've learnt from them that people are so weak and hopeless in love relationships: adultery is everywhere, boys or men buy sex and cheat on their wife or girl-friend, kids don't know what to do when they face one of their parents' love affair, men or women abandon their boyfriend or girlfriend and go for another new guy.

People don't know what they tell me is Dharmma Talk:

Love is pain and suffering. Betrayal is easy. Sex is cheap. Happy family is so rare on Earth because most people lack the basic ability to stay faithful. Schools never teach kids how to deal with their parents' adultery, so they feel confused and get hurt all the time. Many people talk about love day and night even the definition of this strange word is never clear in human history.

People teach me through those real life stories. The funny thing is that after they show me love is a lie and people betray each other's trust all the time, they would wonder, "Say, why don't you love?"
