Many people in Taiwan have asked me to give up my cultivation and live their secular live style face to face for more than 10 years. Some praised their own sex life or marriage even they're old, sick, or have some serious family problems. That's how I finally understood the power of Desire Realm: Most beings believe in desire more than anything else.
People in other countries will be surprised to find out that Chinese people are not conservative at all. I never knew old Chinese people can praise sex or the process of making babies shamelessly before any stranger's face before I became a nun. Being a nun opened my eyes; I started to see one side of my people I've had no chance to see when I was a common lay person. I never knew my own people, my own race, who kept criticizing how lustful westerners are, can be so pro-sex openly. I never knew my people, who admire Confucious or other saints/teachers for generations can promote sex life to a nun face to face.
We don't have to help secular people to promote love, sex, making babies any more; they've been too proud already. Karma power makes people in Desire Realm believe that sex or reproduction is very sacred, they even go so far as to praise sex to monks and nuns openly. No wonder sex-related crimes happen everywhere; people justify or satisfy their own desire way too much.