2011年12月16日 星期五

Attachments, Sufferings, Human Rights

Life is not easy.

Some couples love so hard that they want to commit life-long attachments to each other, but their marriage is not allowed. How tragic; life is suffering.

Some people want to be free of attachments so hard that they struggle everyday to stay single, but their families and so-called societies force them into marriage. How painful; life is suffering.

To love or not to love, to marry or not to marry, that's the question. Both are human-right issues, right? How can people be free and happy when they're forced to love, not to love, marry, or not to marry?

The freedom of attachments of love and marriage is human right. The freedom of non-attachments is also human right. The important issue is why some people try to force other people into something against their will? Some human beings create sufferings for other human beings, then all suffer together in the end.

Maybe people have another more powerful, deeper attachment in human nature? The attachment of forceful power; the attachment of control of other people's private life, even love life?

I won't say that the desire of forceful control is human right; the lust of power has created so much pain for human beings...
