2010年12月30日 星期四

100 Years of Blue

No, what I wanna tell you is
The white rose in the garden 
Not this blue one
Not this one

100 years of blue
Happy 100 years of blue
A birthday so blue, so blue...
Bluer and bluer, deep and happy

Oh roses could be so pretty
No, what I wanna say is
The red one in another garden
And roses never give a damn to politics...

Did you promise me?
A rose garden
100 years of amazing roses
100 years of beauty

Call it anything if you like
As long as it's pretty
As long as it's free
As beautiful as 100 years could be

No, what I really wanna tell you is...
Their blood made the red roses
Their hearts made the white ones
Their memories merged into the sky
They worked so hard
To give us a right to dream
A right to dream

No, what I really wanna tell you is...

In the birthday morning of the roses
Be peaceful
Be grateful
Be happy 
Be free

Cause roses are pretty
