Election is a zen koan
The world is the reflection of one's mind.
People's mind shapes political views and political reality.
I read all kinds of political reviews of all kinds of people these past months, and I've been enjoying that every day. If Dharmma is all beings' mind and all beings' mind is Buddha Nature, to understand people's mind is also a zen koan.
Cause people's mind reflects in my mind; people's mind reflects in each other's mind; like mirrors reflect each other and show countless images, people's mind shape the world.
Taiwan's future is also a zen koan, right?
We used to be angry or sad on election days, now we have a super size smile.
We used to build hostility for elections, now we agree that we should cooperate.
We used to be dependent on the leaders alone, now we know the power is us: the people.
We used to quarrel a lot for identification or identity issues, now we focus on facing reality.
On a peaceful Election Day like this, everything is so zen.