2023年4月8日 星期六

告別戰友:坂本龍一 Ryuichi Sakamoto(03零地雷/ INTERNATIONAL MINE AWARENESS DAY 國際地雷意識日)




International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action 4 April

Mine Action Week: ‘Peace brings no assurance of safety’

二、UN on Twitter

“I will carry on with my work until the are no more landmines.”




 Anti-tank mines and Anti-personnel mines
learn from the base

WWI Bombs Are Still Being Found Over 100 Years Later

Landmines: War's Most Terrible Weapon

They Can Return Home Only After They Defuse 45,000 Landmines
(2015 movie "Land of Mine")






七、坂本龍一發起的 Zero Landmine

Zero Landmine is an Extended play (EP) created to promote awareness of the problem of landmines and to promote a ban on landmines. Japanese recording artist Ryuichi Sakamoto led a collection of musicians to form a group called NML (No More Landmines), and they released the single Zero Landmine on April 25, 2001.

音樂家組成的「終結地雷」小組,NML (No More Landmines),在人類文明史上算是稀有難得的音樂人組織。絕大多數國家機器動員音樂人都是權貴圈以國家資源號召音樂人才組成支持特定政黨或服從特地政治宣傳、附屬在政黨以下的次團體,人類歷史上很少有音樂人為了反戰的和平目的組織團體;而且是以高呼掃雷、讓地雷歸零為和平宗旨的團隊。

八、Zero Landmine:以反戰與終結地雷為主旨的專輯

N.M.L No More Landmine
Zero Landmine - Full Ver.

David Sylvian Zero Landmine
piano+voice version ( FAMU)

No More Landmine
Zero Landmine (Piano and Cello version)

Zero Landmine (Short Version)

No More Landmine
Zero Landmine (Piano solo version)

No More Landmine - Zero Landmine

九、Zero Landmine:追悼「教授」坂本龍一

【追悼 坂本龍一氏】】ZERO LANDMINE

ZERO LANDMINE{ryuichisakamoto}
Mantra of Mahakala

坂本龍一 ☆ zero Landmine_01

坂本龍一 ☆ zero Landmine_02

十、希望:讓藍色圖釘代替紅色圖釘 03.18.2001

Zero Landmine(英文版)

It wasn't so long ago that I became interested in the land mine issue. I had known that Princess Diana, when she was alive, had traveled as far as Angola to appeal for the elimination of anti-personnel land mines. I also had known that an organization called ICBL had expanded its activities on the Internet, and that it had received a Nobel Peace Prize. But what profoundly moved me on this land mine issue was a TV program. On the program, a white man who had lost a hand and a leg while removing a land mine was teaching the children at his old school about the land mine problem. During the program, this white man ran a full marathon with an artificial hand and an artificial leg. Watching this, I was in awe of the invincible spirit of this white man. It was clear that the Christian spirit of welfare was supporting this man's mental powers. The man is a Scotsman called Chris Moon. I never dreamt that I would go with Chris to Mozambique, and to the very site where he lost his arm and leg. Through Chris I learned that the weapon of war known as the land mine is a thing that "does not know peace," and how much its damage can plunge people's lives to the very bottom. I have been lucky to have such a fabulous teacher. Encountering Chris, I was awestruck by this man's spiritual and physical strength.

How are the land mine issue and the music connected? First off, I looked at the maps of the countries where there is the most damage from land mines. The Korean Peninsula, Cambodia, Bosnia, Angola, Mozambique... I listened to CDs from those countries that I have at home. I searched on the Internet. I ordered books and read them. While inputting a lot of such things into my brain, I wondered just what sort of music would form the whole. The music is varied. There are many cultures even within each one of the countries. There are many peoples and tribes and their languages and music differ. To say nothing of the fact that it is difficult to make the music of places that are geographically remote exist together as one. And it would not do to destroy the native characteristics of the cultures. You can't be sure that it will be as successful as hoped for, even at this point in time, when the music has taken on a rough shape. However much "sincerity" we bring to our handling of native music, from the inside it will be heard as something that has been preserved as a specimen by "the outside." Exploitation cannot be relieved by sincerity. Many of the participating musicians must have felt such discomfort as well. But I would like to think that they also shared the belief, stated by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, that the elimination of land mines is one step toward total disarmament, toward ending the old fashioned notion that problems can be solved by military force.

At any rate, the music begins with a simple folk song by an Inuit girl, and then becomes a "musical journey." As if tracing one half of the Mongoloid migration out of Africa in reverse, it passes through the Korean Peninsula, skips over Cambodia, India, and Tibet, skims past Europe at Bosnia, and then goes to Angola in Africa. It ends in Mozambique, at the southern end of the Great Rift Valley in East Africa, the birthplace of the human race. There are many other countries in the world besides these, of course, which are concerned with land mines, but these were chosen so that it would not end up as some sort of crude collage. At the end of the journey, the music ends with a chorus of many musicians. After considering a lot of things, I asked my friend of many years, David Sylvian, to write a "simple, tender lyric that could be sung by children." What he sent me, two or three days later, was a simple, tender lyric that one could not have imagined, looking at David's usual work. His warm heart impressed me. I sent his lyric on to Ryu Murakami, who translated it into Japanese. Kraftwerk, who I have not seen in 20 years, sent a sound logo titled "Zero Landmine" over the Net. Brian Eno hinted by saying "leave it up to me" and produced by himself. I was very happy when those sounds arrived! There were also many people with whom I was working for the first time - the young band I met in Nampula; Waldemar Bastos, who fled the civil war in Angola and is living in Lisbon; Kim Dok-Su and his wife Rie, who introduced me to that unimaginable instrument, the ajaemg; the marvelous Japanese vocalists...

With each copy of this CD sold, the removal of some number of land mines is assured. I would like to make this sort of flow of the money clear. I would like to show on the Web the status as they are being cleared. It's not just the land mines. We must not bequeath any negative legacy of the 20th century to future generations. Is it naive, after all, to hope for a world in which people are not killed over wealth, power, or religion? I don't want to think that this is a delusion. If we have such hopes, they should be made reality. Doesn't everything start from "the things we hope for?"

Through the actions of non-government organizations (NGOs) like the Halo Trust, land mines are verifiably being removed from the world one by one. The large map that I was shown in Mozambique was stuck with red pins indicating places where there were thought to be land mines still buried, and with countless blue pins indicating places where they had been removed. It is expected that in this country in the next 5 years the blue pins will have been replaced all the red ones. Here it is, slowly but surely - a real hope.

Ryuichi Sakamoto


Zero Landmine(日文版)



結局、音楽はイヌイットの少女の素朴な歌から始まり、まるでアフリカを出たモンゴロイドの旅の半分を逆にたどるように、朝鮮半島を通り、カンボジア、インド、 チベットを抜け、ボスニアでヨーロッパをかすめ、アフリカのアンゴラに行き、人類 発生の地、東アフリカに位置する「大地溝帯」の南端、モザンビークに達する「音楽の旅」になった。もちろん世界にはこれ以外にも地雷に関係する国はたくさんある が、単なる貼り絵細工に終わらないための選択だった。旅の終わりに、たくさんの音楽家による合唱で音楽は終わる。いろいろ考えて、長年の友人であるデビッド・シルヴィアンに「子供でも歌える、シンプルで優しい詞を書いてくれ」と頼んだ。二、三日して送られてきたものは、普段の難解なデビッドの仕事からは想像もできない、シンプルで優しい詞だった。彼の暖かい心に感動した。その詞を村上龍に送り、日本語に訳してもらった。もう20年も顔を合わしていないクラフトワークからは、ネットを通して「Zero Landmine」というサウンドロゴが送られてきた。ブライアン・イーノ は「任せてくれ」という謎の言葉を残し、ひとりで作業していた。音の到着が非常に楽しみだ。初めて仕事をした人もたくさんいた。ナンプーラで出会った若いバンド、 アンゴラの内戦を逃れてリスボンに住むヴァルデマー・バストス、アジェンという想像を絶する楽器をぼくに紹介してくれた金徳基と利恵さん、日本の優れたヴォーカリスト達・・・。


Halo TrustなどのNGOの活動で、世界から確実に地雷が一つ一つ除去されていっている。ぼくがモザンビークで見せてもらった大きな地図には、地雷がまだ埋まっていると思われる地点を示す赤ピンと、除去された場所を示す無数の青ピンがささっていた。あと5年でこの国の全ての赤ピンは青ピンに変わる予定だ。地道だが確実な希望が、ここにある。

2001 03 18

十一、Zero Landmine 2001大事記

2001年5月14日ON AIR
地雷ZERO  21世紀最初の祈り


Zero Landmine 2001(archive)

十二、Zero Landmine 2022 大事記



This is my home
The land of my mother
The place I play
With sisters and brothers

The trees are rooted
In the ground beneath
Take away the violence
Give the earth back its peace

This is our world
Our common salvation
It knows no borders
It serves no nation

The same sun shines equally
On those beneath
Take away the violence
Give the earth back its peace

There's fire in the ground
In the space between the trees
In the forests and fields
On pathways, in dreams

The stars are whispering
To the ground beneath
Take away the darkness
Give the earth back its peace

Who painted the green grass red with danger
Who coloured the big sky blue with sorrow
A strong wind carrying fear and anger
Came and went and stole tomorrow

This is my home
The land of my mother
The place I play
With sisters and brothers

The trees are rooted
In the ground beneath
Take away the violence
Give the earth back its peace

The same sun shines equally
On those beneath
Take away the darkness
Give the earth back its peace

Like trees we're rooted
In the ground beneath
Take away the violence
Give the earth back its peace

Give the earth back its peace

-David Sylvian

released April 3, 2022

Music by Ryuichi Sakamoto

Lyrics by David Sylvian

Recorded at Oykott Studio

Mastered by Robin Schmidt (24-96 Mastering)

Cover Art by Rikako Nagashima

Produced by Norika Sora

Production Manager - Alec Fellman

Production Manager - Mai Yuda (Japan)

Assistant Production Manager - Maria Takeuchi


all rights reserved


