The whole universe is a limitless mandala, including Taipei Main Station!
Happy 2020, Buddhas bless all!
What if every tour is your very special zen-poem?
"When the Great Principle prevails, the world is a Commonwealth in which rulers are selected according to their wisdom and ability. Mutual confidence is promoted and good neighborliness cultivated. Hence, men do not regard as parents only their own parents, nor do they treat as children only their own children. Provision is secured for the aged till death, employment for the able-bodied, and the mean of growing up for the young. Helpless widows and widowers, orphans and the lonely, as well as the sick and the disable, are well cared for. Men have their respective occupations and women their homes. They do not like to see wealth lying idle, yet they do not keep it for their own gratification. They despise indolence, yet they do not use their energies for energies for their own benefit. In this way, selfish scheming are repressed, and robbers, thieves and other lawless men no longer exist, and there is no need for people to shut their outers. This is called the Great Harmony (TA TUNG)."
Buddhist fish family also live happily in Taipei Main Station, they are:
紅色系(the red fish group)之「法一」、「法二」、「法三」、「法四」、「法五」、「法六」、「法七」、「法八」代表八正道。這群紅色系佛子的嗜好是像人類一樣行動緩慢,時常垂直立正於水中央!
怪獸系(the monster fish)之「法酷」定定地如如不動,亦禪亦酷!
白色系(the white fish group)之「法施」、「法戒」、「法忍」、「法進」、「法定」、「法般」代表六度(六波羅蜜)。這群白色系佛子的特色是外向活潑、好奇心強,時時刻刻隨逐人臉而動,人在哪裏佛子魚就在哪裏!
Welcome to Taipei Main Station Mandala!