2010年10月19日 星期二

Star Religion 明星教

He claimed to be J.D., so he put up a show about J.D. Lots and lots of photos of J.D. posted by him are always there; but fans and old classmates keep asking, "Tell me, are you REALLY that guy?" Most of those fans are kids, who even doesn't understand English very well. His few words were good enough to make these kids begging and apologizing. How funny, he never gave any straight answer; he just murmured about deleting the account again and again -- then, he kept those believers or worshipers as usual, and deleted those who claimed to know J.D. personally or who dared to keep questioning.

Those worshipers are believers to be kept; those watchers are disbelievers to be deleted. What a FB STAR religion of a fake star! It's just like a religion based upon belief but not reality. This kind of blind belief could be a harmless joke from the beginning, but it'll grow bigger and bigger, until totally lost control and become some serious crime or fraud.   

One day, he showed a twitter link using a similar name, but the picture posted and hided back there is another young black boy's face. I checked the young face there, wondering, "Does he think he's not good enough to be himself? Is it so hard to be true? Why would he choose to be a liar?" He knew his real identity wouldn't attract so many fans around the globe. Poor young man...

That's why I kept watching; I tried to understand his state of mind. I tried to remind him of possible legal responsibiliy, but he played the old game again in order to gain more fans' posts, after that, he blocked me out. So be it.



他還有一個動作很耐人尋味;上傳一張所謂「那個明星的出生證明」的圖片檔。以我們看過的出生證明來講,他那張也很外行:只是以英文字母排序後,羅列出一大排、幾十個美國人的姓名、出生日期、……等等,像電話簿一樣,什麼互不相干但字母排序相近的全都一起排上去。有哪個國家的出生證明會搞成四、五十個國民以上擠在同一張紙上的出生資料電話簿呢?美國的??而且這種「公文書」,還可以放上臉書來「證明那個明星是本尊」???而這個點子,還是在他被一個據稱認識 J.D. 本人的女網友批評並勸其他人別受騙上當之後,一個美國小男生給他的「建議」。

等到吸引來大批無知小粉絲們之後,人數累積幾百了,再勸他們轉向他的 twitter 去。在 twitter 裏,他用他本人的照片當背景、也大量使用英文拼字與英文文法錯誤百出的民族俚語,任誰一看都知道他是個黑人年輕人,不是他宣稱的影星。每天與他推來推去交換大量影音貼文的多是各種黑人年輕人;在twitter上,他的身份認同再也不是問題,像個典型次團體。

