2012年5月16日 星期三

Modern Literature And Escape

I admired one famous Japanese writer when I was very young. One of his best novels presented a theme that many people won’t understand no matter how hard they try: suicides. I read that over and over again, added at least another 8-10 novels he wrote earlier to my reading list, and bought his new novels for the same reason: suicides.

Many years later, he’s still a famous writer whose works are always bestsellers. One day, I opened his new books, and the story line shown were like a pop song: sex, sex, sex, more or less, here and there, sex, sex ,sex, different characters and different interactions, but all of them sex. Minutes later, I put down his new novels, bestsellers as always, thought I might not be interested in his works any more.

If modern literature can avoid death and suffering of life in order to boost sales by sex scenes, as a reader, I can avoid modern literature as well.
